Library of Congress photo
"Police H.Q. [i.e., headquarters] in Jer. [i.e., Jerusalem] by Jewish bomb on
Dec. 27, 1945"
Quoted from State of Terror,
115-116: A “serious Jewish terrorist attack” began at 7:15 that evening, when Police Headquarters Jerusalem was “attacked by armed Jews” in a “savage and ruthless” manner that “will be viewed with horror by all the civilised nations of the world”. After “Jews armed with automatic weapons and explosives” killed two police and blew open the door to a building opposite Police Headquarters in order to gain access to its balcony, “other Jews laid explosives at one corner of the Police Offices” under cover of fire from the balcony and blew it up, burying ten people under the rubble. Five were still alive when pulled out. |
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To re-publish images, you would need to obtain permission from them separately.
The text on this site is ©Thomas Suárez, most taken from State of Terror.